World-famous archaeologist and traveller. And also a ruthless tomb raider who does not hesitate to use the means of the last resort. Lara Croft has become an icon and idol for many. Discover with me her past, when Miss Croft still exuded confidence and wasn't afraid to face creatures from the guts of hidden ruins and temples.
Tomb Raider II – Equipment
Lorian - Filed Under: content -  5  - 0 comments



Two berettas that are emblematic of the classic Lara. The striking power is low, but we have an infinite supply of ammunition. Good against rats, spiders and it’s even possible to kill a boss with them if you jump properly.


Best for close combat, it has a lot of firepower, but it reloads very slowly and ammo always seems to be in short supply. Sometimes, however, one shot is enough to get rid of an opponent.

Automatic pistols

These are a tad more powerful than pistols and ammunition is neither too much nor too little. Great on Bartolli’s thugs.


A very strong and deadly weapon with which to cut down even the biggest tough guys. Its disadvantage is its rapidly dwindling ammunition supply, but this can sometimes be recharged with finds. The best weapon in TR II!


An equally, if not more, powerful weapon than the UZI. However, you need to aim well, as it sometimes misses enemies.

Grenade launcher

This weapon has a short range, but is very powerful. It literally smashes the enemy to pieces. Perfect for short range and large numbers of opponents.

Harpoon launcher

Works only in water and is used to kill large fish, sharks and divers.


Large medipack

Used to restore Lara’s health. Completely fills the life bar.

Small medipack

Partially fills the life bar, found much more often than the large medipack.


Indispensable in dark places, flares light Lara’s way.

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